Series Launch: Mom's Manic Monday

As promised, today I will be announcing my plans for a new series that I will be launching on Beauty Blog, pretty soon!

Axl is due on the 09 of March, but we are all hoping for an early arrival and are currently playing the no-fun waiting game! In the meantime, mommy has kept herself very busy getting his nursery ready, spring cleaning our house and packing (and repacking) hospital bags! 

So what am I up to, now?

I am sure that I am not the only first-time mom who walked into the baby store and left empty handed (and close to tears) because of the overwhelming feeling that comes with seeing 20 different brands of bottles, soothers - let's not even begin with nappies! Every time I look through the latest pregnancy magazine, I am left with a stomach of anxiety, thinking I have forgotten the all-important taggy or perhaps the night light I chose isn't bright enough - or it's too bright? I'd like to think that I am also not the only one who gets irritated by the old-wives tales, the constant, "you must use this" and the nasty glares when you choose to go against what everyone suggested.

I have decided to start a series called, "Mom's Manic Monday". I aim to use this weekly (or bi-weekly - haven't quite decided yet) post to do product reviews and to share what I have found to work and what doesn't work. I don't want to be another website that leaves you more confused and I certainly don't want to be the aunt who you despise for all of her bad advice - but I have realized that my readers value my opinion and by posting it, you have the option to read it or not. I will also not claim to be world's #1 mom because I am the first to admit that just by looking back at my pregnancy - this is going to be one amusing adventure, but one that I am looking so forward to! 

I realize that mom's lives are pretty hectic enough and have come to accept that although my vision is for this to be a weekly (or bi-weekly) series, proposed to be published on a Monday, it probably won't always go according to plan! So bear with me ;) 

The idea came about, when I was looking for product information on something that I had been interested in purchasing for a while, but could not find a reliable source. You see, when I look for a review - I don't want to hear what the company is willing to publish. I want to hear what you, the consumer, the real people think of the product. This is what I like to call an opportunity and one that I hope you will like too! This way, you have an honest review to look to and you can take any tips that I choose to post with a pinch of salt and choose whether or not to make use of it. 

I appreciate the constant support that I am shown by all my loyal subscribers. Your comments and feedback across my social platforms, never go unnoticed! I hope that this series will interest most of you and that you will enjoy it as much as you have come to enjoy Beauty Blog

I have not decided as to when my first post will be published, for this series, as it all depends on the arrival of our minion and how long it takes me to figure out motherhood - then again, I think my mom is still trying to figure that one out, so perhaps I shouldn't wait on it. But I would like to say that within the next month I would have figured out more about the series and in which direction it is heading. In the meantime though, I would like to ask all of my mommy and mommy-to-be readers out there, which products you would like to know more about, what articles you would be interested in reading and how often you would like me to add to the series? 

I know that this series will not appeal to all of my readers and completely understand! That is why I have chosen to limit my posts for this particular series. My passion is for all things beauty related and that is why I began Beauty Blog, in the first place. However, I see this as a way of expanding my portfolio and readership and allowing my loyal subscribers the chance to get to know me on a more personal level, too. 

If you or your company are interested in having products, services or events featured on my blog (beauty or baby related) please feel free to e-mail Megan

Please remember to follow me on all social media, especially Facebook and Twitter, as I use these on the daily basis. I will be taking the next few weeks slow and won't be all that busy on my blog, but as soon as I get back into the swing of things - there is A LOT planned including competitions, new reviews, tutorials and much more! 

Other pregnancy product articles:

Happy Event Antenatal Lotion here
OH So Heavenly, Mums and Cherubs bath soak here
OH So Heavenly, Mums and Cherubs range here

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