Axl is 5 freakin' months TOMORROW!
My little boy is ticking off milestones left, right and centre. Just as I am ticking one off, he starts grabbing for the next. I love just watching him, he is so inquisitive and interested in everything around him. He has taken a huge interest in toys, his toes, my phone, laptop and most recently brings up menus on our Apple TV that I didn't even know existed. His teeth are still bothering him but I expect to see the bottom two any day now - well, I am hopeful! - he has crying tantrums or will just grab on my clothes or hands, trying to get anything to rub and soothe his gums. It has been the hardest thing trying to accept that I will never be able to take the pain away but can only try make him feel as comfortable as can be. Three weeks ago, we introduced solids (post to come) he gets so excited when he sees that his porridge is being made, he kicks his legs and makes all the screeches!This past Tuesday, he took his first tumble. I thought that I would be one of THOSE moms, the one that freaks out about their child eating a little dirt. But I was reasonably calm. I went to the loo and his dad (who was booked off ill) was lying in bed, while Axl was in his swing. I am not too sure how he managed it, but basically... he slipped off. It wasn't a big tumble and it was mostly cushioned by a large fuzzy blanket, but the bump was loud enough for me to jump off the loo and for him to cry. No, I didn't attempt to run, with my pants down! It took a little ooh and aahing before he calmed down, but there were no marks. I said to D that it was the first of many and that we will become pros at fixing him up. Staying true to my word, today Axl face planted into a box of tissues, leaving a tiny line under his eye. After a few hours, the mark was gone... but there you have it, boys will be boys!
Putting him to sleep is not a task for the faint hearted, it starts with high pitched forced cries before turning into heart wrenching wails. Last night he had tummy cramps and nothing I did comforted him, so his daddy took him and managed to make it better. He slept with D for a good while before being passed back to my side of the bed, for a feeding.
Honestly, it's been a tough week. D and I have spent a lot of hours up in the middle of the night. Axl had tummy problems as well as the the teething, it all resulted in a very unhappy baby! But we managed. Honestly - without him, I would be in an asylum.
It's our first wedding anniversary...
You're probably wondering why I am able to write a post on a Sunday, never mind the fact that it is my wedding anniversary. Well... maybe you're not, but now you are - because I made you think that. Well, my hubby is competing in an online - I don't even know how to explain it - in short, he is a God in this game and his team is kicking ass and I never really understood it... but recently, I paid it a little attention and am supporting him all the way because it is HUGE! I always say how D is my saving grace. I literally beat myself up until he comes along with his carefree spirit and makes me let loose... he shows me happiness. This year has been one for the books and I look forward to the next and the next and the next!
I got a little teary looking at these photos because it took me back to that moment when I got out the car and saw how emotional it made him. We hadn't really discussed me wearing an actual wedding dress, we were set on being casual and low-key... so I am not sure what he was expecting... but to this day, I still smile at how he lit up when he saw me walk down the aisle.
I am really excited though because my dearest father got us a smoothie maker (YOOOUMMMI - would you like to see cool recipes on the blog?)which I have been wanting for MONTHS! And my momzi-weirdest -who I am really missing!!! - got us a family photoshoot. (no it isn't about the gifts, but boy... am I excited for these two!)
And in other blogging news...
- Leana over at Hipstyler, Pretty and Ginger has launch an AHHHH-MMMM-AAA-ZZZZ-ING new series called #ProjectFeelGood. Head over to her blog, to try your hand at guessing which awesome blogger she'll be featuring this week (Oh- and you can WIN, just by guessing)
- Why I love it... well, it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside when you read the things people say about others. I love how this is encouraging motivation and upliftment. It's very similar to an exercise we did as kids, where we passed around cards with our classmates names on each, and wrote one nice thing on it. At the end of the day, each student got their card with their own name on it and sat in wonderment as they read the love.
- Just Ella Bella featured me and my thoughts on the blogging community, this week. Thank you for the messages and response that I have gotten from the interview. It was truly so sweet to be thought of for the interview and I am glad so many enjoyed the read. You can read the piece here
Happy anniversary! Nicky falls a lot and he used to fall off the bed a lot till we got a guard rail.