NUK launches Easy Learning Feeding Range

Years ago, when I was still studying for exams, I remember avoiding the books and turning the TV onto E-TV's Great Expectations. I was procrastinating and ended up watching their special on NUK products. I vowed that one day, my children would end up using their brand. Low and behold, years later - I forgot my promise but Axl made sure that I would stay true to my word, when he rejected his beloved dummy (after 2 weeks of use) and would only use his NUK ones. Slowly, I have adjusted and changed all my products over to NUK.

NUK has recently launched an exciting new range of feeding essentials and were so kind to send over some of their new products for Axl to give a try. As you know, we have started the fun and exciting adventure of introducing solids but sometimes the real struggle is finding the right gear to make the entire experience seamless.

It is always so nice having a parcel arrive for Axl and now that he is old enough, it is just as exciting for him as it is for me. He absolutely adored opening his parcel and playing around with everything before putting it to good use.

We received the weaning set with cutlery which has this little family as Axl grows and starts venturing into new foods, mixing textures, proteins and veg.

The set includes two bowls and cutlery (fork and spoon). I love how appealing the design of their new range is - I really dislike cutlery that is too busy with pictures and colours as it can be distracting which leads to messes, especially when Axl tries to grab the bowl to spot the colours. As you can see, Axl spent quite some time playing with each item from the set before handing it to me, so I could take a peak.

The design is simple with majority of it being white and accents of funky colours. I especially love the purple! The first bowl is a small bowl perfect for purés while the second is a large bowl that is divided, giving the opportunity to introduce new food groups, textures, colours, etc.

The bowls are hard plastic, sturdy and a little on the heavy side (in terms of baby not finding it too easy to grab and pull towards him - or worse - throw at you!). The bottoms have an awesome non-slip feature, heling to prevent accidents happen. Their new range boats ergonomically designed which means that their products are designed with YOU in mind. The previous bowl that we used was horrible as it didn't have little handles for you or your tot to grip on which often meant that my hands were covered in bright orange puré (just great on those days that you brave a white top)

As for the cutlery - I regret not getting the 'Easy Learning Spoon' first as I believe it would be better suited for the early days of purés and soft veg. The cutlery that forms part of this set is ideal for babies who are a little older. Reason is, this spoon, is quite deep so Axl struggles getting ALL the puré off. However, I love the grip on the spoon and he loves attempting to feed himself.

 So what did eating time look like?

You can read more about NUK's new feeding range over here

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  1. His really concentrating on the spoon lol... Great post!

    1. HAHAHAHA! You got that right! Thank you so much hun!

  2. Too cute! We got some nice spoons from baby city. Also a nice car theme plate as a gift which he loves.

    1. Thank you Heather, I often see your comments and completely forget to comment. So just wanted to say thank you for the support and interaction on my blog! XOX

