Purity Laundry Range

I am no brand ambassador when it comes to laundry products. If you had to ask me which washing powder I use, I wouldn't have an answer because it all depends on which brand was on special, during my last visit at the store. However, I became particularly finicky about Axl's washing - even before he was born! So much so, that I insist on washing it myself, before hanging it to dry inside and when I get the chance... eventually folding it - in my own weird and specific way. I was one of those moms who insisted on pre-washing everything before his arrival and then life pulled a cruel trick on me. Turns out the wooden cupboards which I had stored Axl's clothes in, had a nasty case of dust mites. Great!

So my poor 2 day old baby had tiny little bites and blisters (clearly got my allergies) and all his clothes and blankets had to be rewashed. If you thought that I was OCD previously, you can only imagine how this affected me!

I started trying different laundry washes with claims to be gentle, mild and suitable for babies. All of which had catastrophic affects on my little bambino's skin. Finally, I found Elizabeth Anne's new baby laundry wash.

Mom's - this forms part of the mom's super kit.

With Axl having especially sensitive skin, previous laundry washes were leaving him with rashes, little red spots and he's be in a constant fit whenever he was dressed. Since finding Elizabeth Anne's, Axl is as comfortable in his clothes as he is, in his own skin.

Gentle and mild while still being effective at cleaning all of baby's clothes, is jam packed into a beautifully packaged, thick laundry wash. You only need one cap to leave all of your baby's clothes smelling fresh and divine, while not interfering with your baby's natural  ... baby smell!

OK - I honestly believe that this goody needs to be handed out before you leave the hospital. Remember the day you brought your newborn home, dressed him in a stunning white onesie and before even leaving the room, you hear the sound of a dirty nappy being made, which turns into an off-yellow stained onesie? No? Well, I certainly can't forget that day. I also found it hard to come to terms with the pile of baby clothes which I refused to dress Axl in, due to the unattractive stains which covered them.

Thankfully, the amazing team at Purity were so thoughtful and kind to send over this gem. It is most certainly a MUST-HAVE! Whether you're a  mom-to-be, a mom of three or a granny of twenty - YOU NEED THIS. NOW!

Seriously, the results blew my mind.

All you have to do, is use the roller ball to apply some of the not-so-divine smelling solution, all over the stain. Leave it for 5-10 minutes, before throwing it in the wash. Don't forget to add a cap of the laundry wash and ta-da!

Depending on the stain, you should see the terrific results. If you had a really tough stain, it may take two or three washes, but for those exploding nappy-times and a spill here and there... one wash does the trick!

The stain remover is rather strong smelling, and it is suggested to try it out on a hidden part of the clothing - to see if it will cause any discolouration. I haven't found any problems yet, but I suppose it would depend on fabrics, colours, etc.

The nice thing about using the roller ball is that there is no wastage and it is easy to apply to any type of clothing. I have even started using it on the grown-up's clothing, for those times that I am naughty and ate a hot dog, while wearing a white shirt. Does the trick every time!

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