Pampers Active Baby- Dry

Sometimes, it is best to listen to mom! That's right - I admit it.

My mom - well, my entire family, really - are Pampers fanatics. I decided to give reusable nappies a try but after a candida nappy rash that took over a month to heal, I decided to put my pride behind me and revert back to disposables. (I had initially had Axl on Huggies Size 0)  Finally, my gran decided to slay the stubbornness that lies within me and brought home a Jumbo pack of Pampers, for Axl to give a try. 

I am thoroughly blown away! No, really - I wish I knew what I know now, about nappies and what to look for. You see, there is more to a nappy than the cute designs that they come in. Because really, each brand has some fantastic ideas of what to print on their nappies - but it is the finer things, that as a new mom, you don't know what to look out for!

The first thing that I noticed about Pampers, was the way the nappies (size 2) fitted perfectly! I love how stretchy their tabs are, making it easy to adjust the tightness around the waist while still remaining snug and comfy. This becomes a hugely important feature, to me, as the problem with other nappies was that I was buying a bigger size because they weren't fitting as nicely, around his thighs and waist, which meant many spills and messes! Oh! And the elastic around the legs has a leakage barrier, fancy huh? 

Unlike other nappies, I found that their front flap is shaped as tabs too, so that you can pull them and make sure it slips behind the adhesive tabs, this is more convenient than you can imagine! You don't have all the additional plastic that adds bulk and gets in the way of a good fitting nappy. The usual squared cut tabs never look neat and always fold every which, way and how !

I hadn't discussed the change over to Pampers with my husband, previously, but on Axl's first day of being a Pampers Baby, my husband had been home for 30 minutes before coming through to me and asking what was different about his nappies. Firstly, Darren rarely changes nappies - he gets flustered by the rush to cover Axl up, before he gives us that naughty smile and pretends he is a sprinkler - and secondly, Darren is probably one of the least observant people I know except when it comes to number plates and cars. So when I asked why he had noticed the change, he said that Axl seemed a lot less bulky around the bum. This is true and because of the better fitting nappy, his clothes are fitting better too! His bum seemed like half the size and again - less stained clothes due to less spills and messes!

Now, my son looks nothing like his mom but he got all of my personality traits. I hate being dirty and so does he! From day 1, Axl has hated having a dirty nappy. This resulted in 3 or 4 nappy changes A NIGHT as he'd cry as soon as he had wet it. I thought this was normal for a child of an OCD parent, but since the change over.

[insert dramatic pause]

We no longer wake up for nappy changes! Seriously, the only reason we wake up is for feeds, and when you co-sleep and breastfeed, it doesn't really seem like you're awake for all that long, anyway. In the morning, after he has had the opportunity to open his eyes and after the first feed, I change his nappy to find his bum still dry, yet the nappy could probably be used as a weight. He doesn't whine or cry, like he used to, to have his nappy changed and it is really up to me, to remember that oh- he hasn't been changed in a while. This is a huge save on nappies (and more importantly - MONEY), as one jumbo pack lasted 3 weeks whereas I was going through a pack of nappies a week, previously!


  1. Via Twitter:
    Thank you! great article :)

  2. It keep my daugher dry and soft, she sleep well at night. No sleepless night.

  3. We also use Pampers here. I also used both Huggies and Pampers at the beginning.

