Olli Organic

The 'organic food' bandwagon has proven to be more than just a trend and as we start taking notice of what we're putting into our own bodies, the question of what is being put into our bambino's body is being brought up more often. Recently, at my mom's meetup, we discussed nutrition and it was clear that moms are becoming more and more weary of preservatives, artificial colourants and flavourants and what effect poor dietary choices can have on their future eating habits. However, there is no denying that time is short and we don't all have the option of steaming and processing fresh veg to ensure only the best is fed to our kids, on the daily basis.

Introducing... Olli Organic.

Olli Organic is passionate about children's nutrition and believes that what we feed our children plays an enormous role in their development.

Olli Organic is a locally produced range of organic baby food brand, offering parents a three step range of convenient ready-to-eat meals for babies. Made with real fruit and vegetables, with no added sugar, allergens, salt and modified starch, Olli Organic is tasty, highly nutritious and healthy - and is also certified both Halaal and Kosher. Olli products include jars and cereals. The full range is available at all major retailers nationwide in a variety of flavours.

The Olli Organic product range is made from the freshest, naturally grown organically certified ingredients.

The Olli Organic weaning and feeding range is as easy as 1,2,3.
The Olli Organic range of jarred food is colour coded by age steps. Step one has a yellow lid and is suitable from 6 months of age onwards. Step 2 has a red lid and is suitable from 7 months of age onwards. Step 3 has a blue lid and is suitable from around 9 months of age.

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