When Axl was born, I decided to feed on demand, like one should. Not long after a feed, he'd start sucking his hands and I knew it was time for a nap. But as he grows older, his needs for naps are growing less and we get to enjoy a lot more awake-time.
I realize that this calls for a routine, no - not the type that he needs to be rocked for an entire hour because he MUST go sleep at 1pm. Our routine is still listening to his needs but we're roughly following a guideline. You see, summer is coming up pretty soon and I'd like to introduce him to his nursery and cot. I chose to co-sleep for two reasons; 1 being a convenience because I breastfeed and 2 it's damn cold, on this farm! But summer means duvets will be kicked off and I prefer to stretch out, in attempt to keep cool. I am also looking forward to making our bedroom, our space, again.
So how is our current routine going?
Although it seems like everything is to the minute, it isn't really like that! This is the basic guideline that I am using. I find that his afternoon nap is the best time to get everything done, as this is a loooong uninterrupted nap! I think it's due to a full belly and the relaxation from bathtime - I tend to massage his body, while dressing him and put him to sleep with a feed. Honestly, I would prefer to bath him after his dinner, but the nightime is a huge rush with me starting work at 6pm, trying to cook dinner and juggling feeding little one, so there is no way of me being able to bath him then. However, I find that if we keep him active and ensure that he has a good feed before putting him to sleep, he sleeps for a long time without the need to feed. I breastfeed throughout the day, as he demands. Sometimes it'll be a 5 minute feed while other times he can feed upto a half an hour - it all depends on him.
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