Launch of Baby Blog!

When I was in my teens, my mom told me about a night out with her childhood friend (I think, to make this article easier, I am going to refer to her, from now on as X), who had recently had kids. I remember how annoyed X would get about how my mom's entire life and priorities had changed after having me at the mere age of 18. Ten years later, we welcomed my little monster of a sister, Gabi. And although my mom was at her ears with nappies, school books and juggling life of a stay-at-home mom, X was excelling in her career, driving BMW's and enjoying a childless, also known as boring, lifestyle. And boom, bam! Mistakes were made and out popped her first bambino. My mom was promoted to speed dial worthy and went from zero to hero in X's life.

Back to that ladies night, though, my mom and X realized how life had changed and how EVERYTHING revolves around the colour of snot, regular poo-bums, how far one can get on 4 hours of sleep and every ooh, ahh and eek that baby makes. As a means of fun, they agreed that each time one of them mentioned their rugrats, they'd have to take a shot.

As a new parent, I can only imagine how badly that night ended - good thing, neither can remember it. Being author of Beauty Blog, is one of my greatest joys but the overwhelming happiness that comes with being a mom, is even greater!

You see, I am undoubtedly OCD about EVERYTHING! And although I love all things beauty, I always second-guess myself and wonder if I am doing it right. I admit that I have a horrible beauty addiction! But am I picking the right shades, using the correct brushes, is my foundation perfectly matched, blended and up to the standards that I wish it to be?

When it comes to motherhood, for once - I am absolutely comfortable in every which, way and how. Sure, people won't necessarily agree with the way I do things. But I realize that no one can tell me that I am doing it all wrong because at the end of the day, no one, but me, knows what my baby wants and needs.

Every morning, I get the greatest of smiles and when he does cry, he finds comfort in my arms, with each vaccination and weigh-in, I see his growth, each night I go to bed completely exhausted, with spit-up running down my top, I have mastered nearly everything with one-hand and have even gotten, what I think is, tennis elbow - this, to me, is all confirmation enough that I am doing a good job as a mom.

I have so many ideas and motivation oozing from me, but much like X and my mom - I realize that they're all about my baby and me.  But I can't exactly post several posts a week, baby-related on a blog titled Beauty Blog, can I? To be honest, I consider managing a shave, a personal achievement, let alone managing a full face of makeup.

Also, I cannot begin to explain how grateful I am for the amazing response that I have received for Mom's Manic Monday, from companies, new moms and even people who wish to have kids, in the future. With this being said, I feel confident in my decision to launch Baby Blog - my adventures of motherhood, as I have the freedom to post as many baby-related posts that I want, while still maintaining my Beauty Blog for readers who share my undying love for cosmetics, trends and fashion!

Thank you to everyone who has shown me so much support, sent words of encouragement and most of all - to you, my readers. Without you, I would still be reorganizing my house, several times a week.

